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Organization Profile

Midland Empire Resources for Independent Living (MERIL)


We are people with disabilities offering solutions to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities and people who are aging. We believe the quality of your life improves directly as you take control and begin to practice independent living. You have a right to live as independently as you choose and are able. MERIL can help in your journey to independence. MERIL is a community-based, non-residential program, designed to promote independent living and to enhance the quality of life for persons with disabilities and persons who are aging, by empowering them to control and direct their lives and thus participate actively and independently in society. Mission: All individuals, with or without a disability, are free to live as independently as they choose. Vision: We are committed to “A Barrier-Free Northwest Missouri.” Values: Choice – having direction over and control of one’s life. Honesty – doing what you say you will do, keeping your promises, walking the talk. Acceptance – believing everyone has value, abilities and desires. Respect – showing personal consideration for self and others. Trust – having confidence in others.

People with Disabilities
St. Joseph, MO, 64503

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