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Organization Profile

Allied Arts Council


The Allied Arts Council of St. Joseph, Missouri exists to enrich the lives of the citizens of St. Joseph, Missouri, and the surrounding area by bringing arts and people together.  Founded in 1963, the Council is one of the oldest in the State of Missouri and is acknowledged statewide as an arts leader. In 1990, the City of St. Joseph designated the Allied Arts Council as the City's official community arts agency.  Organizational membership in the Council is open to non-profit agencies who provide arts related activities. Currently fourteen arts and cultural agencies are members.  As an umbrella agency, the Council assists with scheduling, funding, marketing and advocacy for all member agencies. The Council also works with the city of St. Joseph to increase marketing for the major performing arts center in the city, The Missouri Theater. The Council provides educational programs, public art exhibits, summer youth arts programs, and in August 2021 will present St. Joseph 2021: From steam to STEAM, a festival commemorating St. Joseph and the Missouri Bicentennial.

Arts & Culture
Families, Visitors & Travelers
Saint Joseph, Missouri, 64501

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