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Organization Profile

Boy Scouts of America Ozarks Trails Council

our time is valuable. Today's families, more than ever, struggle to find time to spend together. Cub Scouting helps to support your family by providing ready-made opportunities for you and your son to do things together. Your son needs to belong to a group of boys his own age. Through this sense of belonging he builds his self-esteem and learns to get along with others. As a parent, you want to be assured the groups your boy joins will teach values consistent with good citizenship, character development, and physical fitness. Boy Scouts of America has been weaving these lifetime values into fun and educational activities since 1910. In a society where your son is taught that winning is everything, Cub Scouting teaches him to "Do Your Best" and to be helpful to others. Scouting teaches family values and works to strengthen your relationship with your son. Scouting activities can bring added value to the time you already have with your son. But we know boys don't join Scouting to just get their character built. Boys join because it is FUN, and you can't have SCOUTING without OUTING!

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