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Organization Profile

College Summit Missouri

In low-income communities across America, College Summit activates a dormant asset--the power of peer influence. College Summit trains teams of high school juniors and seniors to ensure their peers enroll in college and are equipped with the tools to succeed in college and beyond. These teams are part of a national movement to strengthen the college-going cultures in high schools across the country, increase the number of students enrolling in college, and ensure all students are prepared for life after high school. By organizing school-wide activities and events throughout the school year, the Peer Forward Teams motivate their peers to know about college, care about college, and make plans after high school. The Peer Forward Teams are not just changing the culture in their respective high schools, but they are part of a movement that is leveraging the power of students to make college the expectation, not the exception in low-income communities

Low-income Communities
St. Louis, MO, 63101

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